The stage 1:when people have a weak government,and no body like the weak government,a revolution will happens at all time.Just look at the picture,the incapable Louis XVI,who usually tax his people but doesn't make money by himself,the picture is already alluded this satiation.
Stage 3:If there is a positive,there also be a negative,if there is the revolutionaries,so there must be the counter revolutionaries.Because when the revolution happen,somebody will be suffered,so they don't want the revolution,but they have to,if they are too stubborn,they have to dies,there were about 60000 counter revolutionaries were execute d. Stage 4:When people overthrow the bad ruler and government.New government will came out,and they still need to worried about the counter revolutionaries.The best decision will design who will be the new ruler and new government.Just like the Jaocbins and Girondists,because of Jacobins' voting system is more popular than Girondists',so those are two forces of the revolutionaries,so Jacobins' supporters overthrow the Girondists,because the lower level people can make their choices.
Stage 5:New government and victory!People begin to rebuild the country,the system.Napoleon get in power.