Monday, February 18, 2013

The independence of Latin America

a)The greatest factor that cause the independence is the unequal relationship between Creoles and Spanish.Because the Creoles' right had been destroyed.Slavers' rebellion always happen.

b)Miguel Hidalgo is the most important person in the independence,he stand for the equality and stand for his Catholic Creed,so he want a revolution that give those people freedom and equality.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The French Revolution

The  stage 1:when people have a weak government,and no body like the weak government,a revolution will happens at all time.Just look at the picture,the incapable Louis XVI,who usually tax his people but doesn't make money by himself,the picture is already alluded this satiation.

    Stage 3:If there is a positive,there also be a negative,if there is the revolutionaries,so there must be the counter revolutionaries.Because when the revolution happen,somebody will be suffered,so they don't want the revolution,but they have to,if they are too stubborn,they have to dies,there were about 60000 counter revolutionaries were execute d. Stage 4:When people overthrow the bad ruler and government.New government will came out,and they still need to worried about the counter revolutionaries.The best decision will design who will be the new ruler and new government.Just like the Jaocbins and Girondists,because of Jacobins' voting system is more popular than Girondists',so those are two forces of the revolutionaries,so Jacobins' supporters overthrow the Girondists,because the lower level people can make their choices.

Stage 5:New government and victory!People begin to rebuild the country,the system.Napoleon get in power.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Absolutism

1.      The concept map of the Absolutism

  2.At first,Charles I want to be a absolutism lord,probably he begun to learn from others countries' lord.And it was during the war,war must cost,so Charles I begun to tax those people,but the Parliament didn't approve king's taxtation tip Charles I sign the "Petition of Right" which is prohibits king from taxing without Parliament's permission/approval,and prohibit imprisonment for unjust cause)
Actually Charles is another kind of Absolutism,which is king could design whatever he want to do,even if taxing people harshly and so on.The kingdom will doom or the king will be fallen if the king keep on doing something like this especially like Charles I.And guess what?England is still existing today,but Charles I died unnaturally,he is the most wilfull king.

  3.The difference between William,Mary and Peter the Great.
Peter the great design to do something by himself,and doing good,also good for his country,that should be the real Absolutism,when he ruling the Russia,he learned the new technology from other European countries,so he can have more power to fight with the forces that against him.
But the William and Mary,they can only be limited,so they can ruled the England by signing the "Bill of Right".They got not power to fight with those people who against their decisions.So they can ruled the England peacefully.